Thinking of starting a new business? You might want to take note of some of these interesting stats and you’re likely to increase your odds of succeeding. Below are 5 startup facts you might not know! 1. Looking to be your own boss? You’re just like 26% of US business owners who started their […]
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Back in the 80s, there was a series of crazy popular Gatorade commercials that told you to “Be Like Mike”, referencing the great Michael Jordan. These days, if you’re an entrepreneur, we suggest you replace Mike with Elon. Elon Musk has a lot of characteristics that you should emulate if you want to have a […]
Lots of people like the idea of having their own business, and particularly during these uncertain times with layoffs and job losses, now may be the perfect time to take the leap yourself. One of the things that research has shown is that there are good ways and bad ways to start a new business, […]
As a professor of entrepreneurship at the Ted Rogers School of Business at Ryerson, mentor, venture capitalist, international business speaker, and columnist for Inc., I meet and interact with more than 1000 “wantrepreneurs” (first time founders on the cusp of starting a startup) every year. They have loads of different reasons for wanting to launch […]
Starting your own business is wonderful and challenging and exhilarating and difficult. Many new businesses succeed but about 50% of them fail and only about one-third survive 10 years or more. What are the biggest reasons why businesses fail? At the end of the day, it is not usually the business that is failing; it […]
Have you always wanted to start your own business? Or maybe you are already an entrepreneur but you have a new idea! The most successful startups follow a series of steps that take them from idea to revenue, so read on and learn about the different stages involved in launching a successful business. Each stage is […]
Being able to work from anywhere was always the promise we heard about the future in the media. While we might still be waiting for flying cars, our phones have virtually eliminated the need to be in one place to do our work all the time. But, how do you choose the apps that will […]
So you’d like to be an entrepreneur, huh? There are lots of things to think about before you learn how to start a startup, and the very first is…how do you find a problem to solve? If you look at businesses that failed, you’ll find that they really never addressed a problem that people cared […]
In our current environment, with the job market turned upside down, it may be the perfect time to give another thought to that startup idea you’ve been playing around with. One of the things about launching a startup and being an entrepreneur, though, is that there are right ways and wrong ways of getting started […]
When you’re thinking about starting a business, you can avoid a lot of issues by taking business startup advice and startup tips from someone who has already been in your shoes. While every startup is unique, there are some concepts that are pretty universal. Below are 9 business tips to get you off on the […]