Category: How to Start a Startup

8 Ways to Find Investors for your Startup

8 WAYS TO FIND INVESTORS FOR YOUR STARTUP Even the greatest products or business ideas , no matter how lean the operation or how big they’ve grown already, will need more capital.  Even the best startups have engaged in fundraising rounds. Of course, the chances of someone randomly showing up at your door with capital is […]


When to Quit Your Job for a Startup

I’m often asked:  “How do I know when to quit my job and work on my startup full-time?” You dream of being an entrepreneur. A full-time commitment to the new opportunity matters. Ideas don’t count. Execution counts. And execution requires focused founders. If no one is working on the opportunity full-time, how will you make […]


8 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Launching Your Own Business

If you’re thinking of finally starting your own business, or maybe even a side hustle, congratulations! There has never been a better time to start a business. Access to global economies is easier than it’s ever been. Testing new ideas via online meetings or surveys has become the norm. Operating a business from home is […]


How to Test, or Validate, Your Business Idea

Testing, or validating, your new business idea significantly reduces the risk associated with starting a new business. It is THAT important! The testing process also helps you articulate your message so it resonates with potential customers, and helps avoid building a product/service that no one wants to buy. So … how do you test, or validate, your business idea? […]


How to Find the Right Co-Founder for Your Startup

You’re thinking of starting your own business. Do you go it alone or do you need a partner? How many people do you know that want to start a business with their best friend? Probably at least a few. Now, how many partnerships do you know that have blown up? Also, probably at least a […]


How to start a business with little or no money

So, you’ve got an idea and want to start a small business. Good for you! How are you going to find enough money to get it launched? The Small Business Association says starting a microbusiness costs about $3000 while the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation suggested that the number is around $30,000. If only 3% of […]


Can I Start a Business Without Knowing How to Code?

I don’t know how to code. Is my startup idea dead in the water? You have a background in law, or medicine or teaching (or anything else) and you have a great idea for a startup. You want to start a business. That’s awesome! You don’t know how to code…Not so awesome?? Actually, don’t go […]


10 Great Startup Ideas For 2021

Many people have always wanted to start their own business but have been too fearful. Most say they are scared of failure or they are unsure what to do first. The answer is to start slowly. Start by investigating, and validating, an idea. Or rather, a problem that needs to be solved. Becoming an entrepreneur can […]


9 Steps to Writing a 1-page, Lean Startup, Business Plan

So it’s the middle of Covid and you’ve decided to make that business you’ve been noodling around with a reality. You want to become a startup entrepreneur. What do you do now? One of the best ways to launch a successful business is to use a scientific method that has been proven to give you […]


10 reasons why NOW, during a pandemic, is the best time to Start a New Business

In the midst of all this uncertainty and turmoil, ingenuity continues to thrive, with entrepreneurs in the US starting new ventures at the fastest rate in over a decade. 3.2 million Americans have filed for a business application in 2020, up from 2.7 million at the same point in 2019. RIGHT NOW is the best […]


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